Candidate for

Williamson County Commissioner - District 5

Williamson County Commissioner

District 5



Why I Ran for Elected Office

Growing up in a large family, my parents and grandparents instilled a strong sense of patriotism and a heart for service in me. I now want to take that passion for service to the Williamson County Government as the County Commissioner for District 5.

Since 2010, the debt for our county budget has grown by 87% while our population has grown by just under 40% and our overall debt has increased by over 68%. Instead of looking for ways to curb spending, we continue to pour more money into construction projects without providing proper transparency into how our tax dollars are truly being spent. In the meantime, we have roads which are unsafe, emergency services that are understaffed and teachers who are overwhelmed, undervalued and leaving the profession altogether.

Our community needs a truly CONSERVATIVE VOICE on our Board of Commissioners so that we can WORK TOGETHER to ensure the needs of our residents are being met. I want to be that VOICE that puts Williamson County FAMILIES FIRST.

I am not a politician, but I am someone who LISTENS to people, takes time to UNDERSTAND the problems and looks for CREATIVE and COMMON-SENSE solutions to tackle even the biggest challenges.

My endorsements do not come from long-time government officials or political insiders, they come from hardworking citizens and families who care deeply about the future of this county. With every conversation and with every show of support for my GRASSROOTS campaign, I feel truly honored, humbled and blessed.

On August 4th, CAST YOUR VOTE for Mary Smith to ensure your voice is heard LOUD and CLEAR. #SmithForFifth


"It’s vital that we vote our values, so I’ll be voting for Mary Smith for Williamson County District 5 County Commissioner. Mary is my neighbor and long-time resident of the county. She has raised her family, owned small businesses and dedicated her life to improving our community. She understands how local government works – and doesn’t. Mary is honest, pragmatic, and brings a hopeful insight into our community's problems and needs. I especially appreciate Mary’s thoughtful and humble leadership. She seeks out new ideas and different perspectives, weighs the alternatives, considers possible outcomes and develops reasonable positions. She’s approachable and engaged, and genuinely committed to governing well. I am confident her willingness to examine the issues and listen closely to the public's questions and concerns, sets her apart from the other candidates, thus I am writing today to express my support for her campaign. Please join me in voting for Mary Smith!"

Jennifer Vedral-Baron


Captain, U.S. Navy (Retired)

Former Health System Director, Dept of Veterans Affairs

"As a resident of the 5th district of Williamson County for over 40 years I have witnessed the dramatic changes that have occurred during that time. These changes are affecting the lives of all residents. There is no doubt that people are drawn to this area for its natural beauty and quality of life. It is vitally important that we elect leaders who understand their responsibility to the future of our families through their decisions both fiscally and socially. Mary Smith is that type of leader. She has the passion,education and experience to help our county grow responsibly as we move into the future. Her faith gives her a moral and fiscal anchor, her passion gives her the desire to seek the best answers to current and future problems. Her experience gives her the knowledge to evaluate where problems exist and how to move forward. I am therefore fully supporting Mary for County commissioner of the 5th district and am recommending that you do also."

Barry L Fly

Doctor, Veterinary Medicince

Nolensville Animal Hospital

"As a resident and teacher in Williamson County, I am supporting Mary Smith for County Commissioner in District 5. Mary is passionate about our community, our families, our children and our schools. She is supportive of both parents, teachers, and students. Mary wants the best for our schools and the education of our children. She is a strong constitutional conservative and just what our county needs to get the debt under control and to spend our tax dollars wisely. I proudly endorse Mary Smith!!"

Priscilla James

Mathematics Teacher

Brentwood High School

“When I think of Mary Smith, the words, unity, compassion, and leadership all resonate. From the very first time I met Mary, almost 8 years ago, she welcomed me and my family to Williamson County with a friendly smile and complete acceptance. Mary has the gift of perspective and the ability to unite people in the face of adversity. She is driven. I’m in awe of how much she can juggle and the grace with which she handles herself. As a 3rd grade teacher in Williamson County, I look for role models who preserve family values and lead with an open mind. Please join me in voting for Mary Smith, District 5, County Commissioner.”

Tara Henry

3rd Grade Teacher

Kenrose Elementary

"I wish I lived in the 5th district so I could cast a vote for Mary Smith. I worked with her when I was at Nissan and she is one of the smartest women I know. Not only is she a constitutional conservative, a professional, she thinks outside the box to solve complex problems. She would add tremendous value to the County Commission."

Kathy Danner

Former County Commissioner

District 4

How You Can Help

Volunteer - We have plenty to do! If you have a few days, a few hours or even just a few minutes, we have a way for you to help. Come join us!

Donate - Any amount is greatly appreciated and will be used wisely to support our efforts to bring true Conservatism back to Williamson County.

Spread the Word - Now is your time to take action. Join our digital canvas team and spread the word. We need your vote, so we all have a voice. (1) Make sure you are registered to vote by April 4th, (2) Vote early between April 13th and 28th or on (3) Vote in person on Election Day, May 3rd. Now is the time to make your voice heard.






Someone from our team will be in contact shortly with next steps.

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